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Help End Domestic Violence

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About campaign
The Women's Centre of York Region (WCYR) is a charitable organization that supports individuals experiencing gender-based violence by providing free counselling and group skill-building programs. For over 45 years, WCYR has helped thousands of women and children exit abusive relationships, become financially independent, set healthy boundaries and increase their self-esteem. These skills are vital to women leaving abusive situations, as 95% of women experiencing physical abuse are also experiencing mental abuse such as manipulation, financial abuse and isolation, all to control the partner. WCYR has made it our goal to ensure all women have the resources to thrive socially, personally and economically. Please donate today to support one of the core programs we provide to help women obtain a sustainable livelihood and help a woman move out of poverty toward prosperity, free from abuse. To see how you can get involved visit https://www.wcyr.ca/give-help-donate-now  To make a direct donation now visit https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/66367 We hope you’ll consider donating your Sweatcoins, making a donation today or even becoming a monthly donor!