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Seagrass Restoration in Greece

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About campaign
Posidonia oceanica is a key ecosystem in the Mediterranean Sea. The Posidonia oceanica meadows are essential habitats for fish and invertebrates alike, providing nourishment and shelter for growth and survival. Moreover, this vital marine plant absorbs and stores CO2, acting as the metaphorical 'lungs' of the Mediterranean Sea. Unfortunately, in the last several decades, tourism and illegal anchoring have contributed to the degradation of the Posidonia oceanica. This project aims to aid the natural regeneration of the degraded seagrass meadows of Vroulia Bay, in Lipsy island (Greece), an area deeply affected by tourism and illegal anchoring on seagrasses (Posidonia oceanica). In collaboration with a local partner, our goal is to collect the P. oceanica plants uprooted by the anchorage of the tourist boats from the seabed and then replant them in the focus area for rehabilitation and proliferation. Learn More: https://theoceancy.org/