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Give the Gift of Sight to 5 People in Africa!

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About campaign
Celebrate the gift of vision and the holiday season by joining us on our mission to restore sight to people suffering from cataracts in Mali, Africa! Cataracts are the world’s leading cause of preventable blindness. Embrace Relief conducts free cataract surgeries and health screenings in Mali, one of the world’s most underdeveloped countries. Mali ranks 186 out of 191 on the Human Development Index, a global indicator of health, education, and life expectancy/standard of living. In Mali, a staggering 2.2 million people (+10% of the population) suffer from vision impairment, mainly caused by cataracts, with children as young as 6 losing sight to this preventable and treatable eye disease. However, Embrace Relief works with international volunteer doctors to provide high-quality, free cataract surgery for people who cannot afford to go to a government or private hospital. Celebrate life, celebrate vision, and celebrate the holiday season! Visit the link below to make a donation for the gift of sight! A donation of just $100 USD includes: - A consultation - Pre-operation health checkup - Cataract surgery - Patients receive free food and water before operation - Three (3) post-operation checkups - Health checkups for 15 other people