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Virtual Marine Education for Underprivileged Children

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About campaign
Help us to educate and inspire the next generation of ocean ambassadors! The ocean is for everyone; it belongs to us all and we all deserve the opportunity to experience it. We believe education is the key to successful conservation of our oceans and that all children should be able to participate in it WiseOceans Academy provides virtual and in-person marine education to those aged 5-14 years. Through education we aim to inspire, engage, and empower the next generation of ocean ambassadors. Sessions are designed to inspire, focusing on the wonders of our oceans and the small, positive, steps we can all take to help them. With over 15 topics, that include Coral Reefs, Save our Seas, Ocean Giants and Sharks, our experienced Marine Educators have been delivering sessions for over a decade, and have reached over 11,000 students from 37 countries so far! We strongly believe that our oceans are for all. With your help, we will provide sessions to those students who would otherwise not be able to attend. We strive to inspire all children, regardless of geographical location, or education background. So, please help us to reach more children and to spread ocean joy!